Portfolio of curated databases, maps, and usables, ready to download.
Foliar N:P in woody plants
It contains a global map of foliar N:P in woody vegetation. 1 km resolution and .grd format. Originally published on Vallicrosa et al., 2022, Global Ecology and Biogeography (see Publications).
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Foliar N, P and K in woody plants
It contains global maps of foliar N, foliar P, and foliar K in woody vegetation with its corresponding standard error map. 1 km resolution and .grd format. Originally published on Vallicrosa et al., 2021, New Phy (see Publications).
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Growth and foliar elemental composition in French Guyana
Measurements after a 3-year N, P, and N+P addition in French Guyana. Collected in 2019 and originally published in Vallicrosa et al., 2023, Ecology (see Publications). Data in .cvs format, including data from 65 different species.
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Foliar stoichiometry of woody plants worldwide
This data includes foliar N, P, K % in DW of mature leaves in woody plants worldwide, georeferenced information, and plant species. It gathers data from 230 published articles, TRY database, ICP forest database, the Tundra Trait Team and the Catalan Forest Inventory (Gracia et al., 2004). Compiled until 2020, ~24000 data points.
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