Vallicrosa, H., Fleischer, K., Delgado-Baquerizo, M., Fernández-Martínez, M., Cerny, J., Tian, D., Kourmouli, A., Mayoral, C., Grados, D., Lu, M., and Terrer, C. (2025) Nitrogen deposition and climate drive plant nitrogen uptake while soil factors drive nitrogen use efficiency in terrestrial ecosystems, EGUsphere [preprint]


Vallicrosa, H., Johnson, K.M., Gessler, A., Etzold, S., Ferretti, M., Waldner, P., Grossiord, C. (2024) Temperature and Leaf Form Drive Contrasting Sensitivity to Nitrogen Deposition Across European Forests. Science of the Total Environment, 955, 176904. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.176904

Dechant, B., Kattge, J., Pavlick, R., Schneider, F., Sabatini, F., Moreno-Martinez, A., Butler, E., Bodegom, P. v., Vallicrosa, H., Kattenborn, T., Boonman, C., Madani, N., Wright, I., Dong, N., Feilhauer, H., Penuelas, J., Sardans, J., Aguirre-Gutierrez, J., Reich, P., Leitao, P., Cavender-Bares, J., Myers-Smith, I. H., Duran, S., Croft, H., Prentice, I. C., Huth, A., Rebel, K., Zaehle, S., Simova, I., Diaz, S., Reichstein, M., Schiller, C., Bruehlheide, H., Mahecha, M., Wirth, C., Malhi, Y., and Townsend, P. (2024): Intercomparison of global foliar trait maps reveals fundamental differences and limitations of upscaling approaches, Remote Sensing of Environment, 311, 1, 114276.

Yuan, J., Wu, F., Peng, C., Peñuelas, J., Vallicrosa, H., Sardans, J., Peng, Y., Wu, Q., Li, Z., Heděnec, P., Li, Z., Tan, S., Yuan, C., Ni, X., & Yue, K. (2024). Global spectra of plant litter carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations and returning amounts. Journal of Ecology, 00, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.14250

Lugli, L.F., Fuchslueger, L., Vallicrosa, H., Van Langenhove, L., Ranits, C., Roc Fernandez Garberi, P., Verryckt, L., Grau, O., Bréchet, L., Peguero, G., Llusia, J., Ogaya, R., Marquez, L., Portillo-Estrada, M., Ramirez-Rojas, I., Courtois, E., Stahl, C., Sardans, J., Penuelas, J., Verbruggen, E. and Ivan, J. (2024), Contrasting responses of fine root biomass and traits to large-scale nitrogen and phosphorus addition in tropical forests in the Guiana shield. Oikos e10412. https://doi.org/10.1111/oik.10412


Sardans, J., Llusià, J., Ogaya, R., Vallicrosa, H., Filella, I., Gargallo-Garriga, A., Peguero, G., Van Langenhove, L., Verryckt, L.T., Stahl, C., Courtois, E.A., Bréchet, L.M., Tariq, A., Zeng, F., Alrefaei, A.F., Wang, W., Janssens, I.A. and Peñuelas, J. (2023), Foliar elementome and functional traits relationships identify tree species niche in French Guiana rainforests. Ecology. 104(11): e4118. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.4118

Vallicrosa, H., Lugli, L.F., Fuchslueger, L., Sardans, J., Ramirez-Rojas, I., Verbruggen, E., Grau, O., Bréchet, L., Peguero, G., Langenhove, L. V., Verryckt, L. T., Terrer, C., Llusià, J., Ogaya, R., Márquez, L., Roc-Fernández, P., Janssens, I., & Peñuelas, J. (2023) Phosphorus Scarcity Contributes to Nitrogen Limitation in Lowland Tropical Rainforests. Ecology 104(6): e4049.


Vallicrosa, H. (2022) Beyond nitrogen and phosphorus. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 6, 1056-1057.

Vallicrosa, H., Sardans, J., Maspons, J., & Peñuelas, J. (2022) Global distribution and drivers of forest biome foliar nitrogen to phosphorus ratios (N:P). Global Ecology and Biogeography, 31, 861– 871.

Vallicrosa, H., Sardans, J., Maspons, J., Zuccarini, P., Fernández-Martínez, M., Bauters, M., Goll, D.S., Ciais, P., Obersteiner, M., Janssens, I.A., Peñuelas, J. (2022) Global maps and factors driving forest foliar elemental composition: the importance of evolutionary history. New Phytologist, Jan; 233(1):169-181.

Verryckt, L. T., Vicca, S., Van Langenhove, L., Stahl, C., Asensio, D., Urbina, I., Ogaya, R., Llusià, J., Grau, O., Peguero, G., Gargallo-Garriga, A., Courtois, E. A., Margalef, O., Portillo-Estrada, M., Ciais, P., Obersteiner, M., Fuchslueger, L., Lugli, L. F., Fernandez-Garberí, P.-R., Vallicrosa, H., Verlinden, M., Ranits, C., Vermeir, P., Coste, S., Verbruggen, E., Bréchet, L., Sardans, J., Chave, J., Peñuelas, J., and Janssens, I. A. (2022)Vertical profiles of leaf photosynthesis and leaf traits and soil nutrients in two tropical rainforests in French Guiana before and after a 3-year nitrogen and phosphorus addition experiment Earth System Science Data, 14, 5–18.


Van Langenhove, L., Depaepe, T., Verryckt, L. T., Vallicrosa, H., Fuchslueger, L., Lugli, L. F., et al. (2021) Impact of nutrient additions on free-living nitrogen fixation in litter and soil of two French-Guianese lowland tropical forests. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 126, e2020JG006023.

Vallicrosa, H.; Sardans, J.; Ogaya, R.; Fernández, P.R.; Peñuelas, J. (2021) Short-Term N-Fertilization Differently Affects the Leaf and Leaf Litter Chemistry of the Dominant Species in a Mediterranean Forest under Drought Conditions. Forests, 12, 605.

Sardans, J., Vallicrosa, H., Zuccarini, P. et al. (2021) Empirical support for the biogeochemical niche hypothesis in forest trees. Nature Ecology Evolution, 5, 184–194.


Li, X., Sardans, J., Gargallo-Garriga, A., Asensio, D., Vallicrosa, H., Peñuelas, J. (2020) Nitrogen reduction processes in paddy soils across climatic gradients: Key controlling factors and environmental implications. Geoderma, 368, 114275.

Penuelas, J., Fernández-Martínez, M., Vallicrosa, H. et al. (2020) Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations correlate with declining nutritional status of European forests. Communications Biology 3, 125.


Wang, W., Sardans, J., Wang, C., et al. (2019) The response of stocks of C, N, and P to plant invasion in the coastal wetlands of China. Global Change Biology, 25, 733–743.