December 2024
I was invited to deliver a seminar at the RU Forest Dynamics meeting at WSL (Zurich). I presented the results of our last publication and the preliminary outputs from our ongoing grasses experiment. Thank you Yann Vitasse and Kerstin Treyde for the invitation!October 2024
We just got published! This paper is our first contribution to the ReClean project, where we are assessing the impacts of N deposition in European forests. Paper available here!July 2024
I got interviewed on the podcast "El dia abans del col·lapse" in chapter 2 about biodiversity loss. Check it here!
Terrestrial ecologist interested in plant elemental composition and stoichiometry, biogeochemical cycles, plant-soil interactions, and how those
interact with the carbon cycle and global change. I have performed fieldwork in Mediterranean and Tropical ecosystems but I have also worked at regional and global scales by using computational science,
data synthesis, and artificial intelligence algorithms.
I have experience in teaching, and I enjoy sharing science with the general public, making it reachable and understandable to different ages and backgrounds. If you want to know more you can find my publications, teaching material, and outreach activities in the different tabs.